Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Título Co-related Verb Argument Selectional Preferences
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Resumen Learning Selectional Preferences has been approached as a verb and argument problem, or at most as a tri-nary relationship between subject, verb and object. The correlation of all arguments in a sentence, however, has not been extensively studied for sentence plausibility measuring because of the increased number of potential combinations and data sparseness. We propose a unified model for machine learning using SVM (Support Vector Machines) with features based on topic-projected words from a PLSI (Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing) Model and PMI (Pointwise Mutual Information) as co-occurrence features, and WordNet top concept projected words as semantic classes. We perform tests using a pseudo-disambiguation task. We found that considering all arguments in a sentence improves the correct identification of plausible sentences with an increase of 10% in recall among other things.
Observaciones 12th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, CICLing 2011; Code 83949
Lugar Tokyo
País Japon
No. de páginas 133-143
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 6608, Issue 1
Inicio 2011-02-20
Fin 2011-02-26
ISBN/ISSN 978-364219399-6