García Salas Horacio Alberto
Gelbukh Alexander
Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Título Music Composition Based on Linguistic Approach
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Resumen Music is a form of expression. Since machines have limited capabilities in this sense, our main goal is to model musical composition process, to allow machines to express themselves musically. Our model is based on a linguistic approach. It describes music as a language composed of sequences of symbols that form melodies, with lexical symbols being sounds and silences with their duration in time. We determine functions to describe the probability distribution of these sequences of musical notes and use them for automatic music generation.
Observaciones 9th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2010; Code 82886; ISBN: 3642167608;978-364216760-7
Lugar Pachuca
País Mexico
No. de páginas 117-128
Vol. / Cap. 6437
Inicio 2010-11-08
Fin 2010-11-13
ISBN/ISSN 3642167608;978-36421