López Pacheco María Guadalupe
Sánchez Fernández Luis Pastor
Molina Lozano Herón
Sánchez Pérez Luis Alejandro
Título Predominant Environmental Noise Classification over Sound Mixing Based on Source-Specific Dictionary
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Applied Acoustics
Resumen This paper presents a methodology to classify predominant urban acoustic sources in real mixed signals. This is based on a source-specific dictionary with atoms in the time–frequency domain using the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm and identifying the class through a proposed selection criterion with a dynamic number of iterations involving a lower algorithm complexity. Several time–frequency atoms were evaluated considering retained energy and relative error to build a source-specific dictionary in the relevant classes. The source-specific dictionary has better results up to 7% in retained energy than to use an individual dictionary such as based on wavelet or Gabor functions, improving classification of predominant sources over sound mixing up to 9% compared to using standard dictionaries. Experimental results on classification are applied to mixture inter-class signals of two or more sources recorded by a real permanent monitoring system in an urban soundscape. The classification performance has successfully achieved identifying a predominant source in real inter-class mixtures of urban soundscapes.
Observaciones DOI 10.1016/j.apacoust.2016.05.020
Lugar Oxford
País Reino Unido
No. de páginas 171–180
Vol. / Cap. v. 112
Inicio 2016-11-01