Torres Ruiz Miguel Jesús
Juárez Hipólito Juan Humberto
Moreno Ibarra Marco Antonio
Título Environmental Noise Sensing Approach Based on Volunteered Geographic Information and Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Machine Learning
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Resumen In this paper a methodology for analyzing the behavior of the environmental noise pollution is proposed. It consists of a mobile application called ‘NoiseMonitor’, which senses the environmental noise with the microphone sensor available in the mobile device. The georeferenced noise data constitute Volunteered Geographic Information that compose a large geospatial database of urban information of the Mexico City. In addition, a Web-GIS is proposed in order to make spatio-temporal analysis based on a prediction model, applying Machine Learning techniques to generate acoustic noise mapping with contextual Information. According to the obtained results, a comparison between support vector machines and artificial neural networks were performed in order to evaluate the model and the behavior of the sensed data.
Observaciones (2016).
Lugar Beijing
País China
No. de páginas 95-110
Vol. / Cap. Part IV, Vol. 9789
Inicio 2016-07-04
Fin 2016-07-07