Herrera Magaña Jorge Alberto
Chimal Eguía Juan Carlos
Título Discrete model for the dynamics of neuarotransmitters and receptors of the pre and post-synaptic neuron region.
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción 1st Biology for Physics: is there new Physics in Living Matter?
Resumen This work propose a model for dynamics of neurotransmitters by means of random walks, it es possible to affirm that there is a relation of the distance between nurons and the amount of neurotransmitters that reach the receptors of the post-synaptic neuron, the former to understand how neural connections work.
Lugar Barcelona
País España
No. de páginas
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2017-01-15
Fin 2017-01-18
ISBN/ISSN 979-10-96389-03-2