Rivero Ángeles Mario Eduardo
Chimal Eguía Juan Carlos
Sandoval Reyes Sergio
Menchaca Méndez Rolando
Juárez González Omar
Hernández Oregón Gerardo
Título Performance Analysis of V2V and V2I LiFi Communication Systems in Traffic Lights
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Resumen Vehicular networks is a key technology for efficiently communicating both user’s devices and cars for timely information regarding safe driving conditions and entertaining applications like social media, video streaming, and gaming services, among others. In view of this, mobile communications making use of cellular resources may not be an efficient and cost-effective alternative.Inthiscontext,theimplementationoflight-fidelity(LiFi)invehicularcommunicationscouldbealow-cost,high-datarate,andefficient-bandwidthusagesolution.Inthiswork,weproposeamathematicalanalysistostudytheaveragethroughputin aroadintersectionequippedwithatrafficlightthatoperatesasaserver,whichisassumedtohaveLiFicommunicationlinkswith thefrontlightsofthevehicleswaitingforthegreenlight.Wefurtherassumethatthefrontvehicle(thecarnexttothetrafficlight) isabletocommunicatetothecarimmediatelybehinditbyusingitsowntaillightsandthefrontlightsofsuchvehicle,andsoon and so forth. The behavior of the road junction is modeled by a Markov chain, applying the Queueing theory with an M/M/1 system inordertoobtain the averagequeue length. Then,Little’s theorem is appliedto calculatetheaverage waiting delaywhen the red light is present in the traffic light. Finally, the mathematical expression of the data throughput is derived.
Observaciones DOI 10.1155/2019/4279683
Lugar London
País Reino Unido
No. de páginas Article number 4279683
Vol. / Cap. v. 2019
Inicio 2019-08-26