Sun Guohua
Título Quantum information measures of infinite spherical well
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Modern Physics Letters A
Resumen In this work, we study the Shannon information entropies and of an infinite spherical well. The Shannon entropy is calculated numerically in terms of the analytical result of the wave function in momentum space. Some typical features of the position and momentum probability densities and as well as the information entropy densities and are demonstrated. We find that the position entropy increases with the radius a of the spherical well for given quantum numbers l, m and n. It is interesting to note that the position entropy decreases with the quantum numbers l and n for a fixed radius a and quantum number m. The position entropy is almost independent of the quantum numbers l, m and n. The momentum entropy first increases and then decreases with respect to the radius a. We also note that the increases with the radius a and finally arrives at a constant. In addition, the Bialynicki–Birula–Mycielski (BBM) inequality is verified and also hold for this confined system.
Observaciones DOI: 10.1142/S0217732318500888
Lugar Singapore
País Singapur
No. de páginas Article number 1850088
Vol. / Cap. v. 33, no. 16
Inicio 2018-05-30