Sun Guohua
Título Tetrapartite entanglement measures of GHZ state with nonuniform acceleration
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Optik
Resumen Using the single-mode approximation, we first calculate entanglement measures such as negativity and von Neumann entropy for a tetrapartite GHZ entangled system in nonuniform acceleration frame. We then analyse the whole entanglement measures, the algebraic residual measure pi(4) and geometric average measure Pi(4). We find that the difference between pi(4) and Pi(4) is very slight or disappears with the increasing accelerated observers. The entanglement properties are compared among the different cases from two accelerated observers and others remaining stationary to all four accelerated observers, which are accelerated in nonuniform acceleration. The results presented here show that there still exists entanglement for the complete system even when acceleration r tends to infinity. The degree of entanglement is always equal to zero for the 1-1 tangle case. We also verify the existence of the Unruh effect even in nonuniform acceleration frame. It is also found that the von Neumann entropy increases with the increasing accelerated observers. It is interesting to see that S-2 and S-3 with two and three involved noninertial qubits first increase and then decrease with the acceleration parameter r, but S-2 is equal to constant 1 for zero involved noninertial qubit. The special cases in the limit r(a,b,c,d) -> pi/4 are also studied.
Observaciones DOI 10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.163487
Lugar Munich
País Alemania
No. de páginas Article number 163487
Vol. / Cap. v. 201
Inicio 2020-01-01