Sun Guohua
Título Exact solutions of a nonpolynomial oscillator related to isotonic oscillator
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción European Physical Journal Plus
Resumen We find that the analytical solutions to a quantum system with a nonpolynomial oscillator potential related to isotonic oscillator are given by the confluent Heun functions Hc(alpha,beta,gamma,delta,eta;z). The properties of the wave functions, which are strongly relevant for the potential parameters a and g, are illustrated. It is shown that the wave functions are shrunk to the origin for a given a when the potential parameter g increases, while the wave peak of wave functions is concaved to the origin when the negative potential parameter vertical bar g vertical bar increases. Moreover, the wave peaks of the even wave functions become sharper when the potential parameter a < 1 decreases, but they become flat when the potential parameter a > 1 increases. When the minimum value V-min = -g/a(2) tends to zero, this nonpolynomial oscillator reduces to a harmonic oscillator.
Observaciones DOI 10.1140/epjp/i2019-12980-7
Lugar Heidelberg
País Alemania
No. de páginas Article number 562
Vol. / Cap. v. 134 no. 11
Inicio 2019-11-01