Ocampo Hidalgo Juan Jesús
Ponce Ponce Victor Hugo
Ramírez Salinas Marco Antonio
Título The Merged Voltage Follower: A Class-AB CMOS Follower With Enhanced Bandwidth to Drive Loads With Low Resistance and Large Capacitance / Le suiveur de tension fusionné: un suiveur CMOS de classe AB avec une bande passante améliorée pour piloter des charges avec une faible résistance et une grande ca
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Resumen In this paper, a new CMOS voltage follower, with class AB output, derived by merging the super follower and the flipped voltage follower, is introduced. The resulting cell exhibits lower output-impedance than its predecessors. Expressions for the behavior of the proposed follower are derived and verified by circuit simulations in Eldo using the B5N CMOS process models available through The MOSIS Service. The conducted analysis shows an improved performance of the presented circuit with respect to the flipped- and super- follower. To proof the principle, a test cell was fabricated in the mentioned technology and characterized. Measurement results show quasi-symmetric rising and falling edges, gain-bandwidth product of 32MHz with load capacitance of 47pF. The power consumption of the cell is 90µW with 2V voltage-supply.
Observaciones doi: 10.1109/ICJECE.2020.3018421
Lugar Canada
País Canada
No. de páginas 10 páginas
Vol. / Cap. Vol. 44, No. 1, páginas 30-40.
Inicio 2020-08-16