Sun Guohua
Título Shannon and Fisher entropy measures for a parity-restricted harmonic oscillator
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Laser Physics
Resumen We first present the analytical solutions to the Schrodinger equation with the parity-restricted harmonic oscillator V(x) = 1/2 m(2)x(2) ( x > 0) and then calculate the Shannon information entropies S-x(n) and S-p(n) both in position space and in momentum space. It is interesting to find that the variation of the Shannon information entropy S-p(n) in momentum space is different from our previous studies, i.e. the S-p(n) first increases with the quantum number n and then decreases with the number n. This is a new and abnormal phenomenon and may be explained by the parity-restricted system. The BBM inequality is verified to be saturated, but the sum of the entropies first increases with the number n and then decreases with it. The entropy densities rho(s)(x) and rho(s)(p) are also demonstrated. We find that the Fisher entropy is exactly given by I-F = 8n + 6, n = 0, 1, 2, ....
Observaciones DOI 10.1088/1555-6611/aa8bbf
Lugar Bristol
País Paises Bajos
No. de páginas Article number 125201
Vol. / Cap. v. 27 no. 12
Inicio 2017-12-01