Sun Guohua
Título JRSP of three-particle state via three tripartite GHZ class in quantum noisy channels
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción International Journal of Quantum Information
Resumen We present a scheme for joint remote state preparation (JRSP) of three-particle state via three tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled states as the quantum channel linking the parties. We use eight-qubit mutually orthogonal basis vector as measurement point of departure. The likelihood of success for this scheme has been found to be 1/8. However, by putting some special cases into consideration, the chances can be ameliorated to 1/4 and 1. The effects of amplitude-damping noise, phase-damping noise and depolarizing noise on this scheme have been scrutinized and the analytical derivations of fidelities for the quantum noisy channels have been presented. We found that for 0.55 <= eta <= 1, the states conveyed through depolarizing channel lose more information than phase-damping channel while the information loss through amplitude damping channel is most minimal.
Observaciones DOI 10.1142/S0219749916500349
Lugar Singapore
País Singapur
No. de páginas Article number 1650034
Vol. / Cap. v. 14 no. 7
Inicio 2016-10-01