Chimal Eguía Juan Carlos
Rangel Reyes Julio César
Título Improving convergence in therapy scheduling optimization: A simulation study
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Mathematics
Resumen The infusion times and drug quantities are two primary variables to optimize when designing a therapeutic schedule. In this work, we test and analyze several extensions to the gradient descent equations in an optimal control algorithm conceived for therapy scheduling optimization. The goal is to provide insights into the best strategies to follow in terms of convergence speed when implementing our method in models for dendritic cell immunotherapy. The method gives a pulsed-like control that models a series of bolus injections and aims to minimize a cost a function, which minimizes tumor size and to keep the tumor under a threshold. Additionally, we introduce a stochastic iteration step in the algorithm, which serves to reduce the number of gradient computations, similar to a stochastic gradient descent scheme in machine learning. Finally, we employ the algorithm to two therapy schedule optimization problems in dendritic cell immunotherapy and contrast our method’s stochastic and non-stochastic optimizations. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Observaciones DOI 10.3390/math8122114
Lugar Basel
País Suiza
No. de páginas 1-17
Vol. / Cap. v. 8 no. 12
Inicio 2020-12-01