Gallegos García Gina
Salinas Rosales Moisés
Título Post-Quantum cryptographic schemes library for Android operating system
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 2020 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing, ROPEC 2020
Resumen Nowadays the Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) goes in the third round of the standardization process of asymmetric key post-quantum cryptographic schemes. Such schemes are said to be resistant to attacks from quantum computers. With this, the need to start experimenting and implementing with these schemes has arisen. In addition to that, there is a variety of post-quantum cryptographic schemes libraries written in different programming languages and compiled for different architectures. However, in order to a programmer can integrate them into an Android application, it is necessary to compile the source code, perform the integration and test this last one. As a consequence it is not possible to have a ready-To-use library. Based on the aforementioned, in this paper we present the design of a post-quantum scheme library for Android operating system that has the characteristic to be ready-To-use. Moreover, obtained results shows our library has the three main aspects that make a library good. © 2020 IEEE.
Observaciones DOI 10.1109/ROPEC50909.2020.9258758
Lugar Ixtapa
País Mexico
No. de páginas Article number 9258758
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2020-11-04
Fin 2020-11-06
ISBN/ISSN 9781728199535