Sun Guohua
Título The Exact Solutions of a Class of Monotonic Exponential Potential Model
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Few-Body Systems
Resumen We studied a class of exponential potential model V(x)=-ae-bx (a> 0 , b> 0) and found that its solutions are given by the Bessel functions, but the energy spectra E= - b2(n+ 1 / 2) 2/ 8 which are derived from the quantization condition do not correspond to any discrete bound states. The energy levels which are calculated by the boundary condition Jν(22a/b)=0 at the origin are in good agreement with the numerical results. We illustrate the wave functions through varying the potential parameters a, b and notice that they are pull back to the origin when the potential parameter a or b increases. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, AT part of Springer Nature.
Observaciones DOI 10.1007/s00601-021-01595-3
Lugar Viena
País Austria
No. de páginas Article number 11
Vol. / Cap. v. 62 no. 1
Inicio 2021-03-01