Reyes Morales Ari Antonio
Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Título On Sequence Encodings for Positional Reasoning Task with Deep Neural Networks
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción Research in Computing Science
Resumen This paper addresses the problem of encoding natural language in neural networks for the task of question answering on positional facts. Current state of the art works use many different ways to encode their inputs in natural language. Most of them separate each fact and their interaction with the question is independent. Another common issue is that, when encoding is not based on bags of words, sequence of words is considered, but the effect of alignment has not been particularly studied. In this paper we propose representing the intermediate states of a Recurrent Neural Network (Particularly a Long Short Term Memory network) as a matrix, and then using a convolutional layer on it. This architecture allows to experiment with different strategies of word alignment, as well as different modes of interaction between facts and questions, including a 3D convolution to combine word alignments and interaction of all facts and the question to be answered. We apply this model to the Positional Reasoning Task of bAbI to evaluate our proposed models. We found that alignment does not play a very important role in this task, but allowing interaction between all facts and question simultaneously is important to improve performance.
Lugar Ciudad de México
País Mexico
No. de páginas 137-150
Vol. / Cap. v. 144
Inicio 2017-10-20