Arévalo Hernández José Luis
Rubio Espino Elsa
Ponce Ponce Victor Hugo
Sossa Azuela Juan Humberto
Título Vision assisted pick and place robotic machine
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics
Resumen We introduce the design and implementation of a vision-assisted pick and place robotic machine for laboratory activities. The robotic device can automatically locate and pick small electronic components placed in containers in scattered order and put them in their final assembly position, indicated by pre-located visual marks on a printed circuit board. The execution of these tasks is supported by the design of two main systems. The first one consists of an algorithm for analyzing images, fastly and precisely, capable of recognizing objects of interest arranged in containers. The second system involved the design and implementation of a Cartesian robot with four degrees of freedom. The robot's electromechanical assembly design involved implementing a control PID and a power and sense electronics module. The resulting robotic machine solved the surface-mount capacitors manipulation problem, rendering an accuracy with a maximum deviation angle of ±15 degrees, during the components placement tasks.
Lugar Juitepec, Morelos
País Mexico
No. de páginas 20-31
Vol. / Cap. v. 12 no. 3
Inicio 2021-09-01