Román Godínez Rodrigo Francisco
Zamora Gómez Erik
Sossa Azuela Juan Humberto
Título A Comparative Study of Dendrite Neural Networks for Pattern Classification
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics
Resumen Dendrite neurons are an alternative for classification tasks, providing competitive results when compared to typical classification methods. Dendrite networks allow each dendrite to build a close boundary to assign each incoming pattern x(i) = (x(1), x(2),..., x(n))(T) to its respective class. Hyperboxes, hyperellipsoids and hyperspheres are novel ways for dendrite computing. In this research we test these models and some hybrid variances trained by stochastic gradient descent. Results show that hyperellipsoidal neurons work well as classifiers with low-dimensional tasks, while hyperspherical neurons score better than the others in the case of image processing. However, when hybridizing, hyperboxes show poor results but hyperellipsoid and hyperspheres obtain even better results than two layer prerceptrons for many datasets.
Lugar Juitepec, Morelos
País Mexico
No. de páginas 8-19
Vol. / Cap. v. 12 no. 3
Inicio 2021-09-01