Argüelles Cruz Amadeo José
Título Education in Latin America: Toward the Digital Transformation in Universities
Tipo Libro
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción Radical Solutions for Digital Transformation in Latin American Universities
Resumen Education in Latin America turned to the use of distance communication strategies in the scenario's face of health, social, and economic consequences resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. This abrupt change meant reviewing a set of conditions that drastically affected quality teaching and education in the region. This chapter addresses the conditions that universities in Latin America countries must face in order to ensure that their students can develop quality knowledge through the conditions present in distance and hybrid models, and the efforts that must be concentrated on in teacher's training, in order to professionalize in a more innovative manner in the face of digital and remote teaching. The factors that universities at the region should consider in their models to address the relevance and encourage the development of activities to meet their objectives and those of the community in which they take part. In the same way, the metrics, indicators and data for the areas of opportunity and the analysis of information used for decision making will be reviewed, and the use of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, data analytics, cloud computing and the complement information and communication technologies required in the digital transformation of the universities in the Latin America region. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Observaciones DOI 10.1007/978-981-16-3941-8_6 Lecture Notes in Educational Technology,
Lugar Singapore
País Singapur
No. de páginas 93-108
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2021-01-01
ISBN/ISSN 9789811639401