Amjad - Maaz
Sidorov Grigori
Butt Sabur
Vitman Oxana
Gelbukh Alexander
Título UrduThreat@ FIRE2021: Shared Track on Abusive Threat Identification in Urdu
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Indefinido
Descripción 13th Annual Meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, FIRE 2021
Resumen With the growth of spread and importance of social media platforms, the effect of their misuse became more and more impactful. This shared task address the task of abusive and threatening language detection in Urdu language that has more than 230 million speakers worldwide. We presented two datasets: (i) Abusive and Non-Abusive language, (ii) Threatening and Non-Threatening language. The abusive dataset contains 1,187 tweets categorized as Abusive and 1,213 as Non-Abusive and the threatening dataset contains 4,929 tweets categorized as Non-Threatening and 1,071 as Threatening. In this shared task, 21 teams registered for participation from six countries (India, Pakistan, China, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan), 10 teams submitted their runs for Subtask A - Abusive Language Detection, 9 teams submitted their runs for Subtask B - Threatening Language detection, and seven teams submitted their technical reports. We provided one baseline system for Subtask A and three baseline systems for Subtask B. The best performing system achieved an F-score value of 0.88 for Subtask A and 0.545 for Subtask B. For both subtasks, m-Bert based transformer models showed the best performance. © 2021 Owner/Author.
Observaciones DOI 10.1145/3503162.3505241
Lugar Virtual, online
País Indefinido
No. de páginas 9-11
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2021-12-13
ISBN/ISSN 9781450395960