Ricardez Vázquez Eusebio
Título Immersive virtual reality with touch response, proposal for complete experience.
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo CONACYT
Descripción Research in Computing Science
Resumen This work proposes the development of an immersive virtual reality environment that includes a haptic device, in order to create a better user experience by adding the sense of touch, with the intention of being applied in both recreational and training projects, such as virtual labs or exploration environments. As a case study, the gymnasium of a higher education institution is reproduced with the original idea of promote the facilities and motivate their use as well as the participation of students in different disciplines, an Oculus Rift device is used together with a Touch 3D stylus haptic device.
Lugar CDMX
País Mexico
No. de páginas 7
Vol. / Cap. 149/12
Inicio 2020-09-24