Camacho Urriolagoitia Francisco Javier
Villuendas Rey Yenny
Yáñez Márquez Cornelio
Título Novel Features and Neighborhood Complexity Measures for Multiclass Classification of Hybrid Data
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo JCR
Descripción Sustainability
Resumen The present capabilities for collecting and storing all kinds of data exceed the collective ability to analyze, summarize, and extract knowledge from this data. Knowledge management aims to automatically organize a systematic process of learning. Most meta-learning strategies are based on determining data characteristics, usually by computing data complexity measures. Such measures describe data characteristics related to size, shape, density, and other factors. However, most of the data complexity measures in the literature assume the classification problem is binary (just two decision classes), and that the data is numeric and has no missing values. The main contribution of this paper is that we extend four data complexity measures to overcome these drawbacks for characterizing multiclass, hybrid, and incomplete supervised data. We change the formulation of Feature-based measures by maintaining the essence of the original measures, and we use a maximum similarity graph-based approach for designing Neighborhood measures. We also use ordering weighting average operators to avoid biases in the proposed measures. We included the proposed measures in the EPIC software for computational availability, and we computed the measures for publicly available multiclass hybrid and incomplete datasets. In addition, the performance of the proposed measures was analyzed, and we can confirm that they solve some of the biases of previous ones and are capable of natively handling mixed, incomplete, and multiclass data without any preprocessing needed. © 2023 by the authors.
Observaciones DOI 10.3390/su15031995
Lugar Basel
País Suiza
No. de páginas Article number 1995
Vol. / Cap. v. 15 no. 3
Inicio 2023-02-01