Rivero Ángeles Mario Eduardo
Título Performance Analysis of Variable Packet Transmission Policies in Wireless Sensor Networks
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 12th International Congress in Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2023
Resumen Wireless sensor networks are used extensively to monitor different environments and physical variables. However, in many cases, there are many nodes in the same region and given its distributed nature, these networks can suffer from corrupted data if too many transmissions occur at once. Therefore, it is important to maximize the number of successful transmissions while also minimizing the amount of energy used to transmit this data. The main component of wireless sensor networks that impacts these variables is the transmission probability. Thus, it follows that to improve successful transmission probability and to reduce energy consumption, an adequate transmission probability value should be selected. In particular, we propose the use of a transmission probability that decrease as the energy consumption increases in such a way as to reduce energy consumption towards the end of the system lifetime but that still allow the reporting of the events, i.e., packet transmissions. To this end we propose and evaluate the system performance in terms of average energy consumption and successful packet transmission probability using different mathematical functions for the transmission probability that decrease as the energy consumption increases but do not decrease to zero, allowing sporadic transmissions towards the end of the system operation and compare them to the case of using a fix value. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Observaciones DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-45316-8_23 Communications in Computer and Information Science, v. 1906
Lugar Puerto Vallarta
País Mexico
No. de páginas 367-379
Vol. / Cap. v. 1906 CCSI
Inicio 2023-11-13
Fin 2023-11-17
ISBN/ISSN 9781950492749