Ojo Olumide Ebenezer
Adebanji Olaronke Oluwayemisi
Calvo Castro Francisco Hiram
Título Legend at ArAIEval Shared Task: Persuasion Technique Detection using a Language-Agnostic Text Representation Model
Tipo Congreso
Sub-tipo Memoria
Descripción 1st Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference, ArabicNLP 2023
Resumen In this paper, we share our best performing submission to the Arabic AI Tasks Evaluation Challenge (ArAIEval) at ArabicNLP 2023. Our focus was on Task 1, which involves identifying persuasion techniques in excerpts from tweets and news articles. The persuasion technique in Arabic texts was detected using a training loop with XLM-RoBERTa, a language-agnostic text representation model. This approach proved to be potent, leveraging fine-tuning of a multilingual language model. In our evaluation of the test set, we achieved a micro F1 score of 0.64 for subtask A of the competition. © 2023 Association for Computational Linguistics.
Lugar Hybrid, Singapore
País Singapur
No. de páginas 594-599
Vol. / Cap.
Inicio 2023-12-07
ISBN/ISSN 9781959429272