Argüelles Cruz Amadeo José
Título Prospective narratives on global issues: an ai-based pedagogical model for assessing complex thinking
Tipo Revista
Sub-tipo SCOPUS
Descripción Journal of Technology and Science Education
Resumen This study proposes a narrative pedagogical model for creating and developing case studies that highlight the challenges and issues surrounding the megatrends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, specifically “People and the Internet.” This proposal, framed in an online learning environment, represents the second stage of an educational platform to guide university students in facilitating an ideathon to address the megatrends of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Designing a model for case study creation related to the megatrends aims to foster complex thinking in university students, especially innovative thinking, a sub-competency of complex thinking. Fostering complex thinking highlights the importance of cognitive, practical, and adaptive skills to address interdisciplinary challenges. The Design Process and Practice Methodology and the case study methodology facilitated the narrative case study design model. The outcome of this study is a tangible product that enriches the debates on education and complex systems thinking in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. © (2024), (OmniaScience). All Rights Reserved.
Observaciones DOI 10.3926/jotse.2445
Lugar Barcelona
País España
No. de páginas 184-199
Vol. / Cap. v. 14 no. 1
Inicio 2024-03-01