El quehacer cotidiano de los investigadores y estudiantes que forman parte de la comunidad académica del Centro de Investigación en Computación (CIC) se traduce en la generación de diversos productos, entre los que destaca la publicación de artículos de investigación de calidad internacional indexados en JCR e ISI, la publicación de libros y capítulos de libros derivados de proyectos de investigación, presentación de trabajos en congresos internacionales, así como la generación de solicitudes de formas de protección de propiedad intelectual, como patentes, derechos de autor, y modelos de utilidad, entre otros.

Lista de publicaciones del año 2021 al 2016 por: Torres Ruiz Miguel Jesús

Título ↨ Tipo↨ Subtipo↨ Descripción↨ Año↨
Environmental Noise Sensing Approach Based on Volunteered Geographic Information and Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Machine Learning Congreso Indefinido Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2016
Analysis of User Generated Content Based on a Recommender System and Augmented Reality Congreso Memoria 10th International Congress on Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2021 2021
Augmented Reality with Swift in ARkit and Their Applications to Teach Geometry Congreso Memoria 8th International Congress on Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2019 2019
Analysis of N-Way K-Shot Malware Detection Using Few-Shot Learning Congreso Memoria International Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking, ICSPN 2022 2021
Environmental Noise Sensing Approach based on Volunteered Geographic Information and Spatio-Temporal Analysis with Machine Learning Congreso Memoria 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2016 2016
Content-based visualization system for sentiment analysis on social networks Congreso Memoria Workshop and Poster 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST-WP 2018 2018
Environmental GIS to identify municipalities with high potential of biogas production in Mexico Congreso Memoria 1st IEEE Mexican Geospatial Science Congress, CNCG 2016 2016
Mexico City Traffic Analysis Based on Social Computing and Machine Learning Congreso Memoria International Research & Innovation Forum 2019. RIIFORUM 2019. 2019
Security Incident Classification Applied to Automated Decisions Using Machine Learning Congreso Memoria 10th International Congress on Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2021 2021
Classification of traffic related short texts to analyse road problems in urban areas Congreso Memoria 2nd International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, UDMS 2017 2017
Knowledge-based identication of emotional status on social networks Congreso Memoria Workshop and Poster 8th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST-WP 2018 2018
An Application of Deep Neural Network for Robbery Evidence Using Face Recognition Approach Congreso Memoria International Research and Innovation Forum, RIIFORUM 2020 2020